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Nightmare of Vengeance Page 16

  If there was any doubt about what was about to happen, it was made clear with Ryder’s exclamation: “Go ahead and take her ass.”

  The foreplay got more vigorous; a little lube came out of nowhere, and soon there were several fingers priming my butt hole with as much force as the man’s cock inside my pussy. I gave in. I had no choice. Ryder in my mouth, the Mexican in my ass, and both ends were worked until I had Ryder’s come all over my face and the Mexican ejaculating deep inside my entrails. In the midst of all that I must have orgasmed. When Ryder finally dismissed me to the bathroom, there was a puddle of sex juices on the bedspread, the remnants of my own sexual climax.

  No whips, no chains, no bondage, no humiliating myself with humble posing on the floor. That was it.

  I was back in my life hardly two hours after I’d been taken away, left stunned and, except for a little sore, very sated. As ugly and demeaning as the scene had been, my body had responded once again. But as much as I tried – for the sake of my sanity – to accept what was inevitable with Jon Ryder, I could not. My spirit kept fighting it off. Yes, he could make me come in all the unusual ways. He no longer needed to prove that to me. But I still loved another man, and despite the fact that I couldn’t have Lawton Brady, my heart still ached for him. Most days it was impossible to deal with the constant conflict of the two men, so as best I could, I pushed them to the far reaches of my mind and zeroed in on the cold facts of US law and being the sweetest, sunniest waitress at Miss Bessie’s Soul Food Diner.

  Chapter Twelve

  Although Lawton and I remained friendly, we spent little time in each other’s company. After the rude way I’d treated him, I figured he’d written off our love affair for good, though from time to time, I’d see his magnanimous smile and a twinkle in his dark eyes. In the presence of his cheerful smile and handsome virility, my heart still skipped beats. I tried to guard myself against the strong attraction between us, but it wasn’t long before I could feel it getting fired up again. Perhaps the more I had of Ryder, the more I needed Lawton. When Lawton suggested a few casual dates, I was a little shocked, and I politely refused. But when he invited me to a barbecue on the hill, the invitation seemed so kindly offered and so innocuous that I had to accept.

  Unlike my previous trip up the hill, this one was quite a celebration. The whole town seemed to have been invited, including Miss Bessie and Miss Inez. As expected, the dour Inez refused – “She’s been refusing me for the last twenty years, I’d be shocked if she ever accepted,” Lawton told me, laughing. On the contrary, Miss Bessie was there with her laughs and jokes, warm hugs and a big pan of her original fried chicken. A local Country Western band played on the edge of Lawton’s enormous outdoor patio, and I stood next to another the waitress from the diner, watching in awe as two lines of females performed a perfectly executed country line dance.

  “Why don’t you join them?” I turned at the sound of Lawton’s voice behind me.

  “Because I’d stumble all over myself if I tried?” I laughed.

  Briefly, our eyes met and a flutter of that old desire returned. Ignoring that and Lawton, I turned back and focused on the dancers, while fending off the energy of the man, which seemed to be crawling all over my back.

  Later, after he’d wandered off, I moved inside the house where it was cooler, chatted with a few people I knew, then moved toward the kitchen to find something to drink. Not actually knowing where I was going in the huge house, I moved on instinct toward what surely had to be the kitchen. When instinct failed, I found myself in a back corridor, literally bumping into Lawton.

  This time we were just too close, so way inside each other’s space that we could not stop the wildness as our energies exploded. He moved on me so suddenly that I let out a small shriek, then afterwards, as his lips pressed against mine, my entire being relented to the determined attack. He grabbed my hands in his, then pushed his hot groin against mine while he devoured my face with kisses – like we were on the beach again, the same lusty feeling rising up to knock us off the stalemate that had ruled our relationship for months. When suddenly he pushed me through a door, I landed back on a bed full of linens. At that point, it was natural to surrender. Like the old Lawton and Samantha, our hands and lips explored what was at once familiar and strangely new. But what over time the body might fail to remember, the heart never forgets. Kisses… a slap or two on my bobbing behind… hands moving with graceless speed… until he finally impaled me with his cock. All this might have been predicted, but it was as startling to me as the first time we made love.

  When Lawton started to roar as he came, I slapped my hand over his mouth, “Shhhusssssssssssssh.” Just a gentle reminder about where we were with his guests roaming all over the house.

  He reduced his groan to a low volume, then held me close while our emotions quieted and our bodies recovered – dangerous territory, I know. “You ever miss this?” he asked.

  “All the time, Lawton, all the time.” I had to fend off my tears, they simply wouldn’t be appropriate now. Nor would making plans, or amends, or patching things up between us. I could already feel Ryder coming at me again, the urgency of his need seeking me out like a heat-seeking missile, and I would relent. I would never reject him and he would never stop coming. This was a fact now written in stone.

  Had my impractical love for Lawton been written in stone as well?

  “But I can’t…” I started to object to the very thing we so deeply enjoyed.

  “Shush. I know. I’m not asking you for a thing. Just once and awhile. As long as you want.”

  “You don’t care about hearing the truth?”

  “Oh, I care about that, Sam. More than you know. But for now, I’ll live with having you from time to time.”

  From time to time seemed like a stupid way to have a relationship with the man I loved, but I could do no better. “Sure, Lawton. From time to time sounds good to me.”

  He smiled. I smiled. Then I gazed around at our surroundings, and gently suggested that maybe he’d better get back to his guests. He was gone sixty seconds later.

  A few weeks after that lovely reunion, I got spanked naked on the beach again, though a little more thoroughly this time. The end of what was to be an innocent dinner of Miss Bessie’s chicken and coleslaw, turned into a feast of a different nature, with the teasing side of my spirit leading Lawton on and all the way to that private cove, where he pulled rank and took me over his knee. It was playful at the start, but when I began to fight the pain, he spanked me harder, then finally took off his belt so that he’d leave welts to remember him by. In fact, that was what he told me, “Just leaving a little something to remember me by, Sam,” as he was belting my poor hurting derriere and I was taking every nasty blow with a craving desire. For a while, I could feel the anger in his delivery, as if he were punishing me for months of bad behavior and our broken dreams. After the dreadful limbo I’d put him through, it almost felt good to feel this righteous wrath on my poor behind. But the fact that the punishment came from Lawton added a dimension of arousal that made even the most vicious cuts feel erotic.

  Sex naturally followed the spanking and I was flying high with him again. I wanted him more than I ever had, but still wisely held back on declarations of love, or wistful musings about our past. Not a thing had changed about my situation. Ryder’s vengeance still loomed over me, as fresh and energized as ever.

  When the beach date was over, Lawton dropped me at the boarding house and gave me a companionable kiss on the cheek, just like brother and sister. To say I hoped for more would be an understatement. But to relish for a moment the feeling of being truly loved was enough to inspire some hope.

  I was forced to wonder what kind of man would want a woman under such unusual circumstances. But in many ways, Lawton was an unusual man.

  How long could I go on like this: Ryder bearing down on me one minute, Lawton scooping me up in his caring arms the next? I couldn’t say. Somewhere there had to be an end to this nerv
e-racking limbo; I could not go on like this forever.


  A few weeks later, I was returning to my room at the boarding house, my key barely shoved inside the lock when the door gave way. I thought of the night that Lawton appeared in my room uninvited. I was immediately jittery with anticipation, hoping there’d be a repeat of that awesome moment of surprise. But on the other side of the door it was not Lawton’s but Ryder’s cool and mocking face that greeted me.

  “Oh, dear,” my hand went to my mouth.

  “Surprised to see me again so soon?”

  “How did you get in?” This was as much a surprise as having him show up.

  “Your lovely landlord let me in the door.”

  “She did?” That was a hard one to swallow.

  “Yes. I told her that I was your brother.”

  “And she believed you?”

  “Oh, your Miss Inez is a sucker for a charming man with a good story.”

  She is? The Inez I knew was suspicious of every man.

  “But, you might want to confirm my story with her, just to keep up appearances.”

  “Yes, I guess I’ll have to,” I said weakly.

  “Good girl.” He smiled.

  “So, Ryder, why are you here,” I threw my books and purse in the chair. “I have a lot to do, so I hope this won’t take long.”

  “Oh, Kristen, so cavalier you’ve become. At least you’re not fighting me anymore. That’s good to see. Maybe you appreciate what I bring to the party.”

  “Right,” I came back sardonically.

  “Tonight, it’s easy. I have someone I want you to meet, although it will be a rather long drive.”


  “Santa Barbara?”

  “What?” It was over seventy miles south of Rio Marinas.

  “Put on something nice, and be sure it’s sexy.”

  “And if I don’t have anything sexy?”

  “You do. The purple print would work, but, on second thought, I think I like the teal better.”

  He’d apparently been rummaging through my closet.

  “Oh, and no panties. I like the thought of your cunt naked.”

  I wore the teal. The dress was short and low cut in front, an impulsive purchase after Ryder had ruined the black dress when he whipped me in the woods.

  An easy silence reigned between us during the drive to Santa Barbara. Ryder was on his cell doing business half the time, while I stared out to the darkening sky. When we finally pulled up to the restaurant where we were to meet his friend, I couldn’t help but be scared. It had become clear from Ryder’s explanation of the night – which was brief – that I was being used as bait in one of Ryder’s more sleazy business schemes. I couldn’t understand why a man who had so much wealth from legitimate sources found it necessary to deal with dangerous power brokers who would have taken pleasure in seeing his family business dissolve into nothing. The only explanation was that he loved the game – he’d always been a genius at taking risks.

  The restaurant was located on the top of a cliff overlooking the Pacific. I don’t think I’d ever been to one quite so elegant: the air reeked with diamonds, turned up noses and fake smiles. At first I thought it was a private home since there was no signage on the outside. “Those who need to know can find it,” Ryder told me. “They’re not interested in walk-in traffic.”

  On entering, Ryder found his business associate already seated at the bar. He was formally dressed in an expensive suit, designer watch, gold cufflinks, his nationality in question, but clearly he was from the Orient. Chinese. Japanese. Korean. There were no formal introductions made so I couldn’t tell from the name. The man nodded at Ryder, Ryder nodded back, and I was instructed to take a seat next to him at the bar.

  I had every reason to be wary of this after the way Ryder had previously threatened me with enslavement. But there was more than just fear going on for me: something about the scene pushed all my submissive buttons. I humbly kept my hands in my lap and my eyes cast down, afraid for even a second to look the man in the eye. I then suffered the subtle but demeaning indignity of having him inspect me with his hand. At first it was pretty innocuous, as he delicately ran his fingers along my thigh and then my breast. Finally he lifted my chin so he could see my face. Still I did not look him in the eye.

  “Yes. She may work,” he said, in perfectly modulated English.

  I could see from the corner of my eye, the bartender looking on from some distance away. Did he know what was taking place? And if he did would he find it as repugnant as I did? Or was this the sort of thing that took place in the anonymous restaurant on any given day?

  “Feel free to inspect her in any way you like,” Ryder told the man. “And if you need a more private place, that can also be arranged.”

  The man nodded, then slid his hand inside my dress. It came to a steep “V” between my breasts and he had only to draw the inner edge aside to expose my tits. The entirety of one plump orb was pulled free and examined as he might a peach in a grocery store. Then he put that one back and repeated the same inspection with the other. The pale, smooth surface of my flesh was soft to the touch and his hand lingered for a while before he covered the breast again. Working his way down, he ran his hand along my waist, and then finally lifted my dress all the way to my crotch. Though I felt as if I’d been exposed to the entire restaurant, I could see now why Ryder insisted that I wear no panties.

  “Part your thighs, Kristen,” Ryder whispered behind me.

  I couldn’t help but look around at the quiet dining room where there were several dozen guests leisurely enjoying their meals. Thankfully, most were gazing out the long bank of windows that faced the ocean where the sky was still lit with the last remnants of the setting sun.

  “Kristen,” Ryder had to prompt me in my hesitation. I parted my thighs as instructed, allowing the stranger’s cool hand to roam about the valley of my sex. When his finger grazed my labia, I inwardly shuddered, but did nothing that would call attention to me; not even a small gasp escaped my lips. He fingered me deeper between my labia and I shuddered again.

  “Wet,” he said.

  “She produces copious juices with little effort,” Ryder told him. “Fucking can go on for hours.”

  “She’s been tested?”

  “Many times.”

  The stranger faintly smiled. “You said there was a more private place?”

  “Right this way.” Ryder pulled me off the stool, and I followed him down a short hall to a small room with a lone table and chairs. It, too, looked out to the ocean.

  After he swept the cutlery and napkins away, Ryder had me lie back on the table.

  Gulping back emotions of anxiety and desire, I backed in, scooted my ass up on the edge and lay back as ordered, finding that my legs naturally spread open. The gentleman then moved in and taking hold of both my knees, he pushed them firmly back, which had the effect of splaying my sex wide open from my pussy, with its juicy opening, to my taut asshole. Nothing was spared in his inspection. The man probed my cunt more determinedly now, driving his fingers in like a cock as if to see how far they would go. He did the same with my ass, after swathing the opening with a pat of butter Ryder gave him to grease the way.

  I jerked as his hand lunged into the tight opening, bearing the discomfort with a wince, but no sound.

  “And fisting?” was the stranger’s only comment, as he continued to batter his way in. “Has she been made to suffer that?”

  “No. I assure you, she’s a virgin when it comes to fists, while being well schooled in all the rudiments of fucking cock in any hole.”

  The man nodded, then removed his hand from my ass and wiped it on a linen napkin. Finally, he inspected my mouth, forcing me to open wide so he could see my teeth and tongue. When he was finished, he wiped his hand again and pulled out a disinfectant wipe to complete the job.

  “I’ll be calling to make the arrangements soon, Mr. Ryder,” he tersely announced, then he nodded, bow
ing at the same time, to which Ryder bowed in return. Then he left the room with me still laid out as if a gynecologist was about to enter for an exam.

  “Jon, what is going on?” By then, I was too anxious not to ask.

  He turned to me. “I should think it’s pretty obvious. I’m making the most of you as an asset. If I wasn’t clear before, it should be clear now that your cooperation is imperative. You did very well.”

  His threat was more real now than ever, something to think about as he quickly plunged his cock in my steamy hole and screwed me. Just a perfunctory fuck; as if he thought the evening just wouldn’t be complete unless I had been used. Yes, I was aroused, but it was not the sort of arousal to make me wildly orgasmic – or orgasmic at all. I’m sure my present fears played a role in that, but maybe there was more. Maybe Ryder was losing that charismatic hold on me. What he previously wanted was a fairly private revenge and this took his game to an entirely new level.

  We hardly spoke on the long drive back. In fact, I napped for a while and woke up just as we were driving down the main street of town, minutes away from the boarding house.

  When he pulled up before the house, he leaned in and forced a kiss on my mouth before he opened the door of the SUV. “You were superb, darling,” he said. “I’ll be seeing you soon.”

  I stood on the street watching him as he backed out, put the car in gear and then made the corner, heading back toward the highway.


  I’d barely recovered from Ryder when three days later Lawton called – this time a command performance. He wanted to see me at the canyon house that night.

  I jumped at the chance to see him, though it seemed rather awkward since it had been a long time since we’d been together.

  “You think you can make it at six?” he asked, his voice unusually terse.

  “I can, long as I don’t get kidnapped by the devil,” I retorted wryly, Ryder still very much on my mind, though Lawton wouldn’t know that.

  As I drove into the valley, the air was as dark and forbidding as it had been that first time he brought me to his home. Fog had already rolled in off the ocean and was spilling into every crevice of the canyon. I could barely see the cabin when the road widened into the front yard. And when the sleeveless t-shirt I wore did nothing to ward off the chill, I raced to the door and went inside, finding a brooding Lawton on the other side. He sat in his big easy chair sipping Scotch – not his usual drink – and stared at me with eyes that went straight to my soul. I immediately wondered what I’d done wrong.